Our Projects


words from our volunteers

I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity. You do wonderful, admirable work with the Foundation and I know you are proud of your employees for their contribution. If I can be of any similar assistance in the future please let me know.
I loved all of it; working with the team, building the roof and feeling useful. I loved getting the time we had to interact with the kids at the project and I enjoyed visiting the school. There wasn’t anything I would change, except that I wish I had been able to stay for longer
I call anyone a fool not to try it. It has been the most heart-warming life changing emotional experience I have ever been through. I feel I have grown as a person and feel I have opened my eyes to a much bigger world. I find myself to be more understanding
I only knew that it would have a life changing effect on me and I am fully satisfied that this is now the case
Our Impact

how you can help

Just £5 can help 20 of the most desperate in society

Brazil Projects & fundraisers

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Organisations we support in Brazil

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